Monday, May 4, 2009

Mederma and my first list...

So when my husband finally got home and settled in I took the opportunity to take a nice relaxing shower (you where I wasn't constantly listening for the sound of crying over the baby monitor and skipping over the shaving thing to get out of there ASAP). Anyway, I remembered that my mother in law brought over a tube of Mederma for my C-section scar last night and I decided to give it a whirl. Apparently, if I apply it 3-4 times daily, then my scar will be noticeably lighter within 8 weeks. So I made my first application of the Mederma and rushed right downstairs so my husband could take the "before" picture. I hope you are not disappointed, but I won't be posting that pic tonight. I plan to post it at the very end of the 8 weeks so we can make the comparison. But don't you worry...I'll make sure to post periodic updates on the progress I am (or am not) making. If it works I might consider endorsing them on my blog and contact them for advertising opportunities....kidding...(kinda).


1. Go to Happy Hour in an SUV with a "Baby on Board" sign in the back window and giraffe stickers on the windows.
2. Save strange things...for example - I saved the band-aids that were put on Aidan's legs after her first vaccinations today.
3. An offshoot of the above...I take pictures of everything she does for the first time...the normal ones (first car ride home, first bath...) but then I get a little out of control (first trip to a restaurant, first hair bow, first birthday party attended, and every first time she wears an outfit).
4. Cut my hair short after I gave birth (not a "mom" haircut though...I mean I don't look like my mom anyway...)
5. Will do anything and humiliate myself in any way possible just to get a smile out of my child. be continued.

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