What is that...? I am sure many of you are saying...well it was the diagnosis my ped gave Aidan yesterday when I showed him the bruise-like mark on the back of her neck that has been there for a month now. At first he told me it was a tumor and I almost fainted, I mean we have already been through the ringer with her health-wise (a topic saved for a future post). I think sometimes doctors like to scare the poo out of you by using scary words...wait a couple seconds while you start to freak and then follow it up with words like "very common", "benign" and "not threatening". However, just to be clear he did say we would watch it over time as it could get bigger. Just so you can educate yourself on this topic here is the link to the wikipedia page on this topic: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hemangioma
Aidan's is considered a deep hemangioma...it appears bruise-like and slightly hard to the touch, but not raised. I did extensive googling (what every parent would do, of course) and found some severe cases which were very hard to look at...I never knew anything like this existed and just wanted to share this with everyone. She likely will never have treatment as long as it it doesn't bother her...
Aidan is fussing in her swing - which she tolerates for almost 15 minutes now...so I will be back later with a more fun topic I hope!
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