Monday, May 4, 2009

Intro... usual I was getting ready to write my first entry of the blog and Miss Aidan decided that we have other hold's her world...I try to work with her right here, but I am still figuring out the multi-tasking thing...I am new at this mom thing...

...OK, we're back for now...oh comes a fuss...she won't just lay quietly next to me like she will for my husband while he plays video games...

Alright it is now almost a half hour later and I am ready to start this entry for real. She is in her Pack n Play (the world's greatest invention, but we will cover that in a future post). I wanted to introduce myself and explain why I decided to start this blog. I am a 34 year old first time mom with a new almost 3 month old daughter. My husband is 33 years old and we live in the small town that he grew up in...oh, and let me just mention that my in-laws live only a few houses down the street from us (a la "Everybody Loves Raymond"). Except in my case it is not that bad...especially now that we have a baby...oh, and don't let me forget our two dogs...they are our babies too, but they definitely make things a little harder right now. I guess you'll get to know us better the more I post...and the more you read.

My husband has been bugging me to start a "mommy blog" ever since he saw on the news that some women are making a lot of money blogging about life as a mom. He said "well you like to be on the computer on your message boards talking about babies all the time so why don't you make some money doing it". Well, let me tell you I don't expect to make any money doing this, but he is right...I mean, I love talking about my little girl, my pregnancy, and my life as a mom. I love sharing my experiences and any advice that I think could help other mother's or mothers to be...I just found out a close friend of ours is expecting and I was so excited to ask her questions and share my advice (ummm...even if she didn't really ask for it). I started thinking about making a list of advice and such for her, and that is when I thought I would just put it all in this blog.
I am going to go grab something to eat right now...since she is sleeping, and enjoy some really bad TV (Daisy of Love, The Couger, and anything I can find on BRAVO). I will post at the end of the day when I can share my ENTIRE day with everyone.

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